Friday 9 September 2011

Analysis of HPATDH: Part 2 Marketing Campaign - 09/09/2011

Analysis of HPATDH: Part 2 Trailer

There are a series of jump cuts throughout the trailer, which keeps the audience in suspense and creates a sense of unease and instability. These jump cuts used in combination with action matches of big fighting scenes and camera transitions fading in and out of perspectives creates a more dramatic impact on the audience. We know from the beginning that this trailer is for the Harry Potter series due to the Potter theme soundtrack playing over the top of the trailer - it has been used in every film since the Philosophers Stone. But the Potter theme tune has been changed - it is now played on a more eerie-sounding instrument like the glockenspiel, and thus creates a sense of unease knowing that the Potter series must now come to an end. The trailer uses sound to its advantage when conveying a sense of drama, through dialogue narrations such as when Harry states "Lets finish this how we started - together!" and when we can hear Voldemort's scream of fury fading into the background. Mise en scene is used tactfully in this trailer, with the dark lighting used throughout to give the film a darker and more eerie edge and the rapid change and flashing of lights of thunder to add to this dark, uneasy setting. In addition, the explosions and fires caused in action scenes means that the film will appeal to action fanatics as well as Potter fanatics, and the film thus succeeds in hitting the widest audience possible. The film aims to win over an audience hitting all four quadrants - old, young, male and female - and through its action, romance and dramatic scenes, it does so. In terms of camera shots, an extreme long shot is used successfully at the end of the trailer to show Hogwarts being attacked - it looks like it is being burnt down, and this would create tension amongst Potter fans as they would want to see the film to know what happens to it and Harry. Furthermore, text appears at intervals throughout the trailer to create more drama and give the audience more of an insight into the plot of the film - the text "Only one can live whilst the other survives..." relates to the occurring plot-theme in the Potter films but also tells people new to the Potter franchise what the film is all about.
Analysis of HPATDH: Part 2 Poster

Analysis of HPATDH: Part 2 Film Magazine Cover

Synergy has been successfully maintained throughout the marketing process of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (or HPATDH: Part 2 for short). It is obvious that the poster and magazine cover are of the same marketing campaign due to the fact that the characters are placed in the same positions and clothing on both images - Harry is always in the centre, Hermione is always on the left and Ron is always on the right. Harry is also holding his famous wand in his right hand on both images, and this is symbolic for Potter-fanatics and would be instantly recognisable throughout the campaign. Furthermore, the text in the trailer reading "THE EPIC CONCLUSION" and "COMPLETE THE JOURNEY IN 3D", along with the poster text "IT ALL ENDS" and the cover text reading "THE PERFECT FAREWELL" all connect in their enforcing the idea of this film being the last in the Potter saga. This creates a successful synergy in which everything is connected through the final conclusion of Harry Potter. Also, the trailer text "COMPLETE THE JOURNEY IN 3D" corresponds with the poster text reading "IN 3D IN SELECT CINEMAS", and creates a synergy which encourages the audience to pay to see the epic finale in the new 3D technology. Lastly, the typically dark imagery conveyed in the trailer, poster and magazine cover image creates an unsettling and disturbing synergy throughout the marketing campaign, and gives the impression that this last Potter film is not going to be cheerful and comedic like its predecessors. This is an extremely successful marketing campaign that is synergetically linked from start to finish.

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