Sunday 25 September 2011

Production Schedule for Filming - 25/09/2011

Our group decided that we would attempt to get all of our filming completed in nine days, so that we could gather enough footage to start editing as soon as possible. But before filming, we created the following production schedule in order to organise when our media group and actors were free for filming, since we all had various commitments (e.g. jobs) that prevented us from picking random times to do the filming:

This is a spreadsheet of the hours in which we would spend filming in each different location. The colours coordinate with the locations as following:
  • Saturday 8th October, 10am-5pm (Yellow) - Filming four death scenes in the house on The Cleves in Lydiate. We will film the 'KNIFE', 'FALL', 'TRAPPED' and dragging death scenes
  • Sunday 9th October, 2pm-4pm (Green) - Filming the Tara bathroom scene (where pink lines appear on her wrists and neck) in the house on The Cleves in Lydiate
  • Monday 10th - No filming
  • Tuesday 11th, 4pm-5pm (Blue) - Filming 'SUFFOCATE' death scene in the Blundell building in Deyes High School
  • Wednesday 12th, 11am-5pm (Purple) - Filming in park on Sandy Lane, Lydiate
  • Thursday 13th, 10am-1pm (Orange) - Filming in park on Seymour Drive, Lydiate
  • Friday 14th - No filming
  • Saturday 15th, 7pm-8pm (Red) - Filming 'FIRE' death scene in fireplace in house on Sandy Lane, Lydiate
  • Sunday 16th, Noon-2pm (Grey) - Filming 'RUN' death scene in underground subway tunnel in Maghull
Daily Planning - Props, Actors, Costume and Equipment Needed for Each Day of Filming
Saturday 8th October
  • Props - Knife and Hangman gloves
  • Actors - Emily Oakes, Conor Wynn, Charlotte Williamson and Victoria Dunn (me!)
  • Costume - All above character's costumes (as shown in the Costume List) are needed
  • Equipment - Camera, camera charger and lead to attach camera to computer
Sunday 9th October
  • Props - No props needed, location has everything required built-in (i.e. sink and mirror)
  • Actors - Charlotte Westall (Tara)
  • Costume - Tara's 3rd costume choice (as shown in the Costume List), and red lipstick to draw realistic-looking red lines on Charlotte's wrists and neck
  • Equipment - Camera, camera charger and lead to attach camera to computer
Tuesday 11th October
  • Props - Hangman gloves and white suffocating cloth
  • Actors - Conor Wynn
  • Costume - Conor's costume (as shown in the Costume List)
  • Equipment - Camera, camera charger and lead to attach camera to computer
Wednesday 12th October
  • Props - Hangman book and Melanie's school bag
  • Actors - Lucy Rimmer-Hall (Melanie), Charlotte Westall (Tara) and Benjamin Jones (Will)
  • Costume - Both of Melanie's costumes, Will's costume and Tara's 1st and 2nd costumes (as shown in the Costume List)
  • Equipment - Camera, camera charger and lead to attach camera to computer
Thursday 13th October
  • Props - Hangman book, prefect badge and Tara's school bag
  • Actors - Lucy Rimmer-Hall (Melanie) and Charlotte Westall (Tara)
  • Costume - Melanie's 1st costume and Tara's 1st costume (as shown in the Costume List)
  • Equipment - Camera, camera charger and lead to attach camera to computer
Saturday 15th October
  • Props - None needed, location provides everything necessary for shot (i.e. fireplace)
  • Actors - None needed, only fireplace will be seen in shot
  • Costume - None needed, only fireplace will be seen in shot
  • Equipment - Camera, camera charger and lead to attach camera to computer
Sunday 16th October
  • Props - None needed, location provides everything necessary for shot (i.e. underground subway tunnel)
  • Actors - Benjamin Jones (Will)
  • Costume - Will's costume (as shown in the Costume List)
  • Equipment - Camera, camera charger and lead to attach camera to computer

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