Sunday 6 November 2011

Soundtrack Choice and Sound Effects - 06/11/2011

The choice of soundtrack used in our trailer is vital - using the wrong type of music will send out a wrong message about the genre, storyline and overall atmosphere of our trailer. Therefore, we chose to use the following song:

Eat Me, Drink Me - By Marilyn Manson

As well as the distorted instrumental at the start of the song sounding eerie and strange and encompassing the genre of our film completely, the lyrics sang by Marilyn Manson themselves link perfectly to our storlyine. Lines such as "The trees in the courtyard / Are painted in blood" are quite morbid and connected to death, and thus connected to our 'death scenes'. Moreover, the line "This is only a game" which is repeated throughout the song connects to the Hangman book and gives a sinister feel to it being "only a game", and we will use this as our tagline thoughout our marketing process. We intend to have a person whisper "This is only a game" into the microphone on the iMacs and dub it in straight after the ident on our trailer, so then the audience will constantly get the messge throughout the trailer with the eerie whisper and the lyrics themseves. Therefore, this song is perfect as a soundtrack for our trailer.

Wooden Creaking - Sound Effects

Even though the sound effects used in this youtube clip are made from the creaking of wooden flooring, matched with the footage of an unknown character's limp form hanging it sounds like a tree or some other wooden structure that the character could be hanging from is growning under the weight of the dead body. This will be dubbed over this clip of the character hanging towards the end of the trailer, and the loud Marilyn Manson soundtrack will be silenced at this point so all the audience can hear is the creaking and groaning of whatever the character is hanging from. But dubbed over the top of this clip with the creaking wooden sound, we will also be dubbing in a dramatic 'dum' sound commonly used in film trailers for a dramatic effect - this way, the audience will recieve the full dramatic impact of the trailer. This creaking will bring the trailer to a disturbing end, and hopefully frighten the audience and give them goosebumps - thus coinciding with the horror aspect of our trailer. We intend to keep this creaking sound playing throughout the credits after the clip - credits slowly showing the film title, main actors and release date of the film. The silence added to this creaking will be terrifying for our audience. However, this quiet creaking will not be the end of our trailer - when the audience thinks the trailer is finally over as the wooden creaking ceases, there will be a sudden surge in loudness as they hear an earth-shattering scream dubbed over a clip of a character's terrified-looking eyes. This scream will be filmed through a microphone on the iMacs and dubbed over the clip afterwards. Hopefully, this quiet creaking in contrast with the blood-curdling scream will leave an impact on our audience and cause them to remember it afterwards and spread the word about our film. 

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