Monday 28 November 2011

The Completed Marketing Campaign for Hangman - 28/11/2011

This is my finished marketing campaign for our film, Hangman:

Film Magazine Front Cover


The main feature that links all three components together is the distinct 'cracked' font used for the film title on the front cover, the film title and release date in the trailer and the title, taglien and release date on the poster. In addition, the tagline 'THIS IS ONLY A GAME' is reinforced throughout the whole marketing campaign - it is written on the poster and magazine cover, and is whispered at the start of the trailer and is repeated numerous times in the 'Eat Me, Drink Me' soundtrack by Marilyn Manson. Furthermore, the colour scheme helps to link the campaign together - the white and red fonts combined with the greyish blurred background and bright green eyes of Melanie is the same in the poster and the front cover - and the film title is always white, which connects it to the trailer as well. The last component that links the whole campaign is the imagery - Melanie (actress Lucy Rimmer-Hall) is the main character that is in constant use throughout the campaign, from appearing in most of the trailer footage and being the only character in the poster and on the magazine cover. It was important that I enforced Lucy's part more so than otehr characters for two major reasons. The first is obvious, with her being the central protagonist in the film and thus the most important one, and the other reason is because she is the most well-known actress in the film who has starred in the (fictional) British horror hit 'The Creeps' (as conveyed in the Actors List) and would be instantly recognisable to a horror-fanatical audience. Moreover in relation to the imagery, in both the front cover and poster Lucy is stood to the side so that we see the left-side of her face and body - which makes the images look quite similar when next to each other. However, the film magazine uses a medium shot of Lucy whilst the poster uses a long shot so that we can see the hangman book dangling limply in her hand also - this gives a variation to the images and makes both of them more unique in their own way, and this small variation allows the audience to have more of an insight into the mystery surrounding the film bit by bit and subsequently maintains their interest. The book plays a major part in the film and most of the trailer footage is based around Melanie discovering this mysterious book and the deathly hangman game-pages are flashed before each 'death scene' in the trailer. Another main feature of the trailer is conveyed in the front cover and the poster - the sinister black Hangman gloves. Since the only thing of the Hangman seen throughout this marketing campaign is these gloves, it creates a mystery to his (or her!) identity and becomes a sort of trade mark for our film - whenever the audience see the black gloved hands now, they will imediately associate it with our Hangman movie.

Overall, I think that the trailer, magazine cover and poster all have their own unique characteristics and differences but all noticeably link up to form the same marketing campaign for our film, Hangman.

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