Thursday 6 October 2011

Hangman Film Magazine Cover Mock Up - 06/10/2011

The masthead (including the magazine name) will go across the top of the cover, in a bright colour that will define the house style of the particular magazine (be it Total Film, Empire or a magazine of my own creation). There will then be a banner above this masthead with buzz words like 'exclusive' or 'special edition' to make the audience want to by the magazine due to its exclusivity - this, along with all other text on the page, may be in colours that match the colours used in the image to create a synergy throughout the cover. The typical magazine features will obviously be included on this cover for professionalism - the dateline and price will be placed in small, discreet writing  just under the masthead, and the barcode will go in the bottom right-hand corner. Next, there will be a long pug-column on the left-hand side giving readers an insight into other main articles discussed in the magazine - another device used to attract readers into opening the magazine to find out more about these exciting features. Then there will be space at the bottom of the cover to include a 'PLUS!' space, giving the names of other movies discussed in the magazine to attract the widest audience possible. For further enticement, I will include a puff on the right-hand side of the page advertising an exlusive feature or competition that can only be found in this magazine, in order to attract potential buyers. Lastly yet most importantly, the image showing the feature story (Hangman) will be the background of the whole cover, with all text and the large bright title of this feature overlapping it. I feel that all of these components will make my cover the most effective it could possibly be.

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