Wednesday 13 July 2011

Uses and Gratification Theory by Blumler and Katz - 13/07/2011

The uses and gratification theory poses the question: what do people do with media? The ways in which people gratify their needs through media can be divided into five categories...

  • Cognitive needs - aquiring information, knowledge and understanding
E.g. Movies based on true stories such as World Trade Centre
  • Affective needs - for emotion and pleasure
E.g. One Day movie
  • Personal Integrative needs - for reassuring status, gaining credibility and stability
E.g. This Is England movie
  • Social Integrative needs - so people can socialise with family and friends
E.g. Family may all enjoy watching the Shrek movie
  • Tension Free needs - Escaping from work and relieving tension
E.g. Romantic comedies such as The Break-Up movie

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